ISSN: 1679-9941 (Print), 2177-5281 (Online)
Official website of the journal Adolescencia e Saude (Adolescence and Health Journal)

Vol. 4 No. 1 - Jan/Mar - 2007

Teenage pregnancy and impacts on child

Keywords: Early pregnancy; children development; intervention and prevention

An early pregnancy is a cause of concern due to the devastating consequences to child and mother’s development, as it is a perfect example of biological and environmental risk interaction. This study aimed to conduct a review of the area on teenage pregnancy, based on considerations regarding the current context of adolescence. Teenage pregnancy can be considered a public health problem due to its high prevalence and disastrous consequences for child development. The analysis of the literature identified the need to develop intervention programs for teenage pregnancy, which should aim to prevent its occurrence, increase parenting skills, provide prenatal services, reduce the rate of recurrence of another early pregnancy and promote adequate development of the child resulting from a teenage pregnancy. Additionally, more research is needed to identify aspects related to efficiency and effectiveness results in an intervention aimed at this population.

An early pregnancy is cause of concern due to the devastating consequences to child and mother’s development, as it is a perfect example of biological and environmental risk interaction. This study aimed at reviewing adolescent pregnancy intervention and prevention studies. An adolescent pregnancy can be considered a public health problem because of its high level of prevalence and negative consequences to the child’s development. Analysis of the reviewed literature showed that it is necessary to create more intervention programs to prevent teenage pregnancy, to increase parental skills, to offer pre-natal services, to reduce the recurrence of pregnancies and to promote optimal child development. Furthermore, there is a need for more studies that identify relevant aspects related to the effectiveness and efficiency of the intervention programs for this population.