ISSN: 1679-9941 (Print), 2177-5281 (Online)
Official website of the journal Adolescencia e Saude (Adolescence and Health Journal)

Vol. 4 nº 2 - Abr/Jun - 2007

Quando suspeitar, como diagnosticar e como tratar doenças sexualmente transmissíveis na adolescência-Parte 1

Keywords: STD; adolescence; sexuality

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are prevalent among adolescents and increase the risk of HIV infection. Characteristics of adolescence make girls and boys more vulnerable to STDs. On the other hand, this is a period of life conducive to the acquisition of healthy habits and health promotion. The syndromic approach to STDs recommended by the Ministry of Health (MS) for diagnosis and treatment, and monitoring until cure and contact tracing are the most appropriate measures for the effective control of STDs in adolescence.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are prevalent in adolescence. The risk of contamination of HIV increases when we have STD. Adolescence characteristics made this life period vulnerable to STD, which usually do not have specific symptoms. We present the diagnosis and treatment norms of Health Ministry.