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Objective: This Communication aims to explain what is the Integrated Congress and the Intersectoral Alliance of Adolescence and Youth of Ibero-America, Italy and the Caribbean (AIAJIIC). It also presents recent updates and care involving the health of young people, joining forces in Latin America, Italy and
Caribbean .
Within the framework of the 1st Patagonian Conference on Integral Health Updates for Adolescents, held on March 29, 2014 in El Bolsón, Río Negro, Argentina 1 , it is proposed to initiate a process of integration of Societies and Associations of professionals who work for and with adolescents from Ibero-America, Italy and the Caribbean . The meeting was attended by Authorities from CODAJIC (Confederation of Adolescence and Youth of Ibero-America, Italy and the Caribbean) and the Adolescence Committee of ALAPE (Latin American Association of Pediatrics), and representatives of Societies and Associations from Argentina, Chile, Peru and Uruguay . At this meeting it was decided that all Societies, Associations and Confederations working for Adolescent Health would be invited to hold an Integrated International Congress of Adolescent and Youth Associations in 2015. It was also decided that once the date, location of the congress (Uruguay had proposed holding it) and the authorities to be invited had been confirmed, other institutions working with adolescents and young people would be invited to participate in the activities, namely: Universities, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the Ibero-American Youth Organization (OIJ) and other Associations 2 .
From September 8 to 10, 2015 , in Montevideo, Uruguay , as part of the 30th Uruguayan Congress of Pediatrics (celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Uruguayan Society of Pediatrics), the 1st Integrated Congress of Adolescent and Youth Societies 3 was held , aimed at members of health, education, and judicial teams, cultural representatives, and other members of the community committed to the topic 4 . The following were present: scientific societies that address the health needs of adolescents and young people in Ibero-America, Italy, and the Caribbean in a differentiated manner; Ibero-American societies and/or groups from other areas of adolescence and youth; organized groups of adolescents and young people from Ibero-America; organizations and institutions for international collaboration; groups of researchers and/or universities working on the development of knowledge in adolescence and youth 3 ; and 22 experts on adolescence from different countries 5 .
On September 9, 2015 , a plenary session was held with representatives of the Societies, Associations, Confederations and Cooperation Organizations that participated in the 1st Integrated Congress , namely: the Latin American Association of Pediatrics(ALAPE) through its Adolescence Committee , the Confederation of Adolescence and Youth of Ibero-America, Italy and the Caribbean (CODAJIC) , the Latin American Association of Child and Adolescent Gynecology (ALOGIA) , the Latin American Federation of Child Psychiatry (FLAPIA) , the Latin American Association of Magistrates, Officials, Professionals and Operators of Children, Adolescents and Families (ALAMPYONAF) , the International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH) , the regional headquarters of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) , the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) , the Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women’s and Reproductive Health (CLAP/SMR) and the National Youth Institute of Uruguay (INJU) . In plenary session 6 , the Integrated Action Plan for the three-year period 2015/2018 was defined (including the scheduling of the second integrated knowledge meeting on adolescence and youth) and a coordination team was established (organizing committee of the 1st Integrated Congress4). The highlight of the plenary session was the creation of the Intersectoral Alliance for Adolescence and Youth of Ibero-America, Italy and the Caribbean (AIAJIIC) , whose definition, objectives and current composition are summarized in Table 17 , 8 .
Figure 1. Initial logo of AIAJIIC- Intersectoral Alliance for Adolescence and Youth of Ibero-America, Italy and the Caribbean (2015)
Figure 2. Current logo of AIAJIIC- Intersectoral Alliance for Adolescence and Youth of Ibero-America, Italy and the Caribbean. Courtesy of Maria Teresa Bobbio (2019) 9
The II INTEGRATED CONGRESS of AIAJIIC – Intersectoral Alliance for Adolescence and Youth of Ibero-America, Italy and the Caribbean 10, 11 will be held in Barranquilla, Colombia, from 24 to 26 October 2019 , in conjunction with the I Colombian Congress on Contraception. The Alliance is working together with FECOLSOG – Colombian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology ( ), where representatives from 20 countries will participate, and around 81 experts on issues related to these age groups are expected to attend 10, 11 . As in the I Congress, a plenary session will be held with the Societies, Associations, Confederations and Cooperation Organizations present to update the Intersectoral Action Plan and plan future activities. Further information about the Alliance and the II Integrated Congress will be available on the CODAJIC website at .
1. I Patagonian Conference on Integral Health for Adolescents 27-28-29 March 2014 – El Bolsón- Río Negro- Argentina. Available at: 2. Constitutive Act of the 2014 Integrated Congress of Adolescent Associations. Available at: 3. Program of the I Integrated Congress of Adolescent Associations. 8-9-10 September 2015, Montevideo, Uruguay. Available at: 4. I Integrated Congress of Adolescent Societies. 8-9-10 September 2015. Montevideo. Uruguay. Available at: 5. Piccone, AM. Report from the President of the Adolescence Committee of the Sociedad Uruguaya de Pediatria. First Integrated Adolescence Congress. Available at: 6. Integrated work on knowledge in adolescence in Iberoamerica, Italy and the Caribbean – Meeting of Societies and referents within the framework of the I Integrated Congress of Societies. 8.9 September 2015. Montevideo. Available in: Uruguay. 7. The Intersectoral Alliance for Adolescence and Youth of Iberoamerica, Italy and the Caribbean is constituted. Available at: 8. Quienes Somos. Intersectoral Alliance for Adolescence and Youth in Iberoamerica, Italy and the Caribbean. Available at:
9. Bobbio MT. 2019 Logo of AIAJIIC- Intersectoral ALLIANCE of Adolescence and Youth of Ibero-America, Italy and the Caribbean. Available at:
10. II Integrated Congress of the Intersectoral Alliance of Adolescence and Youth of Ibero-America, Italy and the Caribbean – October 23, 24, 25 and 26, 2019. Barranquilla – Colombia. Available at:
11. Participants Dialogue Rounds – Roundtables II Integrated Congress – Intersectoral ALIANZA of Adolescence and Youth of Ibero-America, Italy and the Caribbean – October 2019. Available at: