ISSN: 1679-9941 (Print), 2177-5281 (Online)
Official website of the journal Adolescencia e Saude (Adolescence and Health Journal)

Vol. 16 nº 3 - Jul/Sep - 2019

Body perception and satisfaction of high school students from a private school in Orleans-SC

Authors: Daniel dos Santos de Jesus 1, Diego José Cifuentes 2, Bruno Thizon Menegali 3, Luciano Acordi da Silva 4
1Graduated in Physical Education – Bachelor’s Degree – from the Barriga Verde University Center (UNIBAVE). Orleans, SC, Brazil
2Graduated from the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI). Specialist in Exercise Physiology from the University of the Extreme South of Santa Catarina (UNESC). Master in Health Sciences from the University of the Extreme South of Santa Catarina (UNESC). Physiotherapist at the NASF of the Municipal Health Department of Lauro Müller, Owner and Clinical Director of the São Giles Clinic – Integrated Health Clinic, Lauro Müller – SC, Professor of Physiology and Exercise Physiology at the Barriga Verde University Center (UNIBAVE). Orleans, SC, Brazil
3Graduated in Physical Education, Specialization in Exercise Physiology, Specialist in University Management and Leadership from IGLU OUI and Master in Health Sciences. Currently works as Commercial and Planning Director of the CORE Sports Group and university professor at the Barriga Verde University Center (UNIBAVE) and the University of Southern Santa Catarina (UNISUL). Orleans, SC, Brazil
4Graduated in Physical Education from the University of Extremo Sul Catarinense and post-doctorate from the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences at the University of Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC). He is an hourly professor in undergraduate and graduate courses at UNESC and the Barriga Verde University Center (UNIBAVE). Orleans, SC, Brazil

Daniel dos Santos de Jesus )

Keywords: Body Image; Adolescent; Faculty; Physical Education and Training.

OBJECTIVE: This research aims to describe the perception and satisfaction of the body image of high school students of a private school in Orleans – SC.
METHODS: To carry out this study, some instruments were used to analyze the perception and satisfaction of the body: the questionnaire on body image (BSQ-34), the body silhouette figure-BFS, and evaluation of the body mass index (BMI).
RESULTS: It was observed that 19.1% of the students have a correct perception of their body image and 80.9% do not have a correct perception of their body image.
CONCLUSION: There is concern about those who obtained some degree of distortion of the body image in the BSQ questionnaire and also the students who indicated overweight or obesity. In this context, the Physical Education Teacher has a fundamental role.


Studies show that research on body image began in the 20th century, to discover how an injury affected a person’s perception of their body or the space around it. Over time, studies on body perception changed and new ways of researching it were created, which is why there is ample material for research in the 21st century 1 .

Young people in this period seek a way to be “accepted” in society, seeking to form an identity that is well-liked. As a result, there is a greater concern with appearance and the fashions imposed by the media, leading to an increasing number of young people seeking a perfect body 2 .

Physical education focuses much more than just on the body, but on the whole person. To this end, the Physical Education Teacher must be qualified to work with young people, an age group in which concern about physical appearance is increasing, and must be able to guide them not only in physical activities, but also in raising debates and reflections on relevant topics such as body perception, the media, health and others that can help in the search for each individual’s identity 3 .

This research is justified by the need to analyze the view of adolescents in our region about their bodies and their satisfaction in the face of so many changes that this phase of life offers, since there is little research on this topic in our territory.

This study aimed to answer the following questions: what is the body perception and satisfaction of high school students and what is the contribution of the physical education teacher to this fact? The general objective is to describe the perception and satisfaction of body image among high school students, and the specific objectives are to verify the body satisfaction of high school students through a questionnaire and a scale, describe the consequences of body perception and dissatisfaction on the health of adolescents through a literature review, and cite the contributions of the Physical Education Teacher in promoting health in relation to body dissatisfaction among adolescents through a literature review.

This research is extremely relevant, since most of the studies found regarding body perception and satisfaction with high school students are in public schools. Confirming what was previously stated, this research was carried out in a private school in Orleans. Another characteristic that qualifies it is the fact that there is only one published study on this topic in the region, found through a search in the databases of nearby institutions.

The choice of this topic was due to the various changes that adolescents undergo during puberty, as Papalia and Feldman (2013, p. 387) state: “Puberty involves dramatic physical changes” 4. Given this, curiosity arose as to how these individuals see themselves and whether they are satisfied with their body image.

The importance of assessing body perception and satisfaction is due to the frequent dissatisfaction of young people with their bodies, which can lead to serious problems, one of which is a well-known disorder, anorexia. In this disorder, the individual becomes obsessed with everything they eat and with their weight, often lowering their body to a range below their ideal weight 5 .

This research will serve to provide teachers, the school and, consequently, parents, with feedback on the self-perception of adolescents regarding their bodies, their feelings and desires. The results of this analysis may contribute to the planning of future health projects at the aforementioned school. Therefore, this research becomes of great value in verifying the body perception and satisfaction of adolescents.


Body perception is nothing more than a mental representation of what our body really is, and for body perception research, there are two subdivisions: attitudinal and perceptive, and this work focused on perceptive. For its evaluation, devices that allow the distortion of body dimensions through tests can be used, such as the manipulation of lights and compasses and recording of the body in frames or sheets of paper, helping the subject to estimate the size and shape in which he sees himself 6 .

Already in the last century, more precisely in 1962, there was a study that proposed that a symptom of anorexia nervosa was “a disturbance in the body image of delusional proportions” (p. 189) 7 .


This research was submitted to and approved by the Research Ethics Committee – CEP under number 2,787,474.

Regarding the method used, cross-sectional research was used, which aims to observe factors and effects at a historical moment and is currently being used in many studies 8 .

To carry out this study, some instruments were used to analyze body perception and satisfaction, such as the body image questionnaire (BSQ-34) 9 , the body silhouette figure – BFS 10 , and the body mass index (BMI) 11 assessment to verify the relationship with eating conditions.

This research, carried out with high school adolescents from a private school in Orleans-SC, is characterized as qualitative-quantitative (mixed), since statistical techniques were used to translate the opinions and information contained in the research into numbers. Subsequently, this information was classified descriptively, giving meaning to the results.12 .

Regarding the objectives, this research is characterized as descriptive, with its main focus being the description of a given population or phenomenon or the establishment of relationships between variables. Several studies can be classified under this principle and one of its most expressive characteristics is the use of standardized data collection techniques 13 .

The sample consisted of 47 adolescents, 23 males and 24 females. All high school students, aged between 14 and 18 years, who received authorization for their parents/guardians to consent to their participation in the research. Subsequently, the research instruments were applied, where each student received a questionnaire and a printed silhouette figure, and had 15 minutes to respond. Afterwards, the weight was measured, where each student went to the scale (Military Trail Pegada Digital Scale), wearing only the school uniform. The student was asked to divide his/her weight equally between the two lower limbs for better results. Height was measured using a portable stadiometer (compact stadiometer 2 MTS HT-01 MD). To do this, the adolescent stood upright, with his/her feet firmly on the floor, to obtain an effective measurement. To calculate BMI (Body Mass Index), in addition to recording age, the difference between weight and height squared was calculated. After this, a comparison was made with the standard BMI table and it was verified whether the student was within the percentages for his/her age. All instruments were administered in the classroom.

The Body Shape Questionnaire ( BSQ) is a self-administered test with 34 questions to be answered according to the LIKERT scale from 1 to 6 (1 – never, 2 – rarely, 3 – sometimes, 4 – often, 5 – very often, 6 – always). Points are awarded for the question based on the answer chosen (for example: “always” is worth 6 points). The points obtained are added up and the level of concern about body image is reflected in the final result. If the result is equal to or less than 110 points, a normal pattern is observed and there is no distortion of body image. If the result is between 110 and 138, the body image distortion is classified as mild. Between 138 and 167 points, the classification is given as moderate body image distortion and, above 167 points, the classification shows severe body image distortion.

In the Body Silhouette Figure – BFS, the adolescents had to mark with an “X” the image that they consider represents them, and with an “O”, the one that they consider ideal for themselves. For the analysis, the data were represented as greater, equal and smaller, in relation to the marked images.

Questionnaires that had one or more unanswered questions were excluded, as well as the BMIs and body silhouette figures of these adolescents. A total of six (10.3%) questionnaires, along with the rest of the data, were excluded.

In addition to the exclusion processes, there were also adolescents who were not authorized by their parents/guardians to participate in the study, totaling five (8.6%) adolescents.


Forty-seven high school adolescents, aged between 14 and 18 years, participated in the study. The results obtained (Table 1) demonstrate that all boys (100%) presented a normal pattern regarding the Body Image Questionnaire (BSQ), with the highest result among them being 110, and the lowest 39. The average obtained was 62.73, a result far from the pattern of slight distortion of body image. Girls obtained more worrying results in relation to boys, with 18 (75%) girls with a normal pattern of body image distortion, three (12.5%) with a mild classification, one (4.2%) with a moderate pattern, and two (8.3%) with severe body image distortion. The highest score among girls was 192, with the maximum score being 204, and the lowest 39, resulting in an average of 86.16, considerably higher than the average for boys.

Analyzing the questions separately, we can see that the question with the highest number of “never” responses was number 26 (Have you ever vomited to feel thinner?), with 91.49%. The question with the highest number of “always” responses was number 33 (Are you particularly conscious of your physique when you are around other people?), with 29.79%.

Regarding BMI (Body Mass Index) (Table 2), of the 23 boys who participated in the survey, none were malnourished, 15 (65.2%) were normal, six (26.1%) were overweight, and two (8.7%) were obese. The data regarding the 24 girls show that none were malnourished, 22 (91.7%) were within the normal range, and only two (8.3%) were overweight and none were obese.

In the last research instrument applied, the Body Silhouette Scale – BFS, the results (Table 3) show that of the 23 boys, 10 (43.5%) wish to have a smaller silhouette, five (21.7%) indicated that their current silhouette is ideal, and eight (34.8%) wish to have a larger silhouette than those they indicated as current. Regarding the girls, 14 (58.3%) indicated that they wish to have a smaller silhouette than their current one, four (16.7%) indicated that their current silhouette is ideal, and six (25%) wish to have a larger silhouette than their current one.

By analyzing the three research instruments together (Table 4), we can compare the results to see if the adolescents obtained a correct perception of their body image. However, those who had some change in any of the instruments will be highlighted here, representing 82.9% of the total number of adolescent participants. It is important to note that the participants were identified as numbers due to ethical issues.

Adolescents 16, 19, 27, 47 and 50, all girls, indicated a normal BMI. In the BSQ, they had mild, moderate and severe distortions regarding their silhouette, and all of them wanted to have a smaller silhouette. Thus, it can be observed that these adolescents do not have a correct body perception, since the BSQ indicated that they are concerned about their body image, indicating that they want to have a smaller silhouette despite their normal BMIs.

Adolescents 28, 22, 3, 12, 17, 24, 32 and 48 were overweight, however, only adolescent 28 showed a good perception of her body, since even though she was overweight, her BSQ showed severe distortion of body perception, showing a concern with her weight, feeling overweight and indicating that she wants to have a smaller silhouette. Male adolescent 22 had a normal BSQ result, however, he indicated the desire to have a silhouette similar to his current one, even though he is overweight, indicating an incorrect perception of body image. Male adolescents 3, 12, 17, 24, 32 and 48 had a normal BSQ result and wished to have a smaller silhouette, even though the BMI result indicated overweight. Therefore, the results indicate an incorrect perception of their body image by these adolescents. Male adolescents 54 and 55 had similar results, however, indicating obesity.

Table 4 shows the BMI values ​​of the adolescents, where 33.3% were normal, 53.3% were overweight, and 13.3% were obese, with only one girl being overweight.

Regarding the BSQ, 20% presented mild distortion of body image, 6.6% moderate, 60% normal, and 13.3% mild distortion, and no boy presented a degree of body image distortion.

Also in this comparison, although not shown in the table, there were cases in which the adolescents achieved a normal BMI, BSQ with a normal result, but expressed a desire to have a different silhouette than the current one. Ten adolescents, two boys and eight girls, indicated that they desired a smaller silhouette, and 14 adolescents, eight boys and six girls, indicated the desire to have a larger silhouette. Thus, these 24 adolescents presented an incorrect perception of body image.

In the body silhouette scale, 93.3% of the adolescents wished to have a smaller silhouette, 6.6% the same, and no adolescent wished to have a larger silhouette, with only one boy wishing to have the same silhouette, with the remainder of both sexes wishing to have a smaller silhouette.

One interesting fact is that eight (17%) adolescents, five (10.6%) boys and three (6.4%) girls, obtained a correct perception of body image, having a normal BMI, BSQ with a normal pattern, and indicated the ideal silhouette as being the same as the one indicated as current.

According to the data, only 19.1% of adolescents had a correct perception of their body image, and 80.9% had an incorrect perception of their body image.


This difference in dissatisfaction between boys and girls regarding body image is observed in many places, including developed countries, where 40% to 70% of female adolescents are dissatisfied with their bodies, with half of them aspiring to a thinner body 14 .

Bulimia is the disorder most associated with the results, since the individual is usually at or above their ideal weight, with a tendency to recurrent binge eating episodes, self-induced vomiting to control weight, fear of gaining weight, and restrictive measures to control weight 15 .

It was previously said that adolescents could develop anorexia because none of them, even with changes in the BSQ, had a BMI indicating malnutrition, and all were at or above their ideal weight.

The results presented are partly contrary to the WHO data, which identifies a higher prevalence of overweight among boys (13.1%) compared to girls (7.5%). Likewise, the WHO obesity data are different from the present study, where there is a higher prevalence among girls (10.4%) compared to boys (7.6%), data that contradict those presented in this study 16 .

According to the data presented, we can observe that the male adolescents from this private school in Orleans have a higher prevalence of overweight than the national average and the average for the Southern region, while the female adolescents were below these averages.

This body dissatisfaction has been constructed transcending the subjective perception of each individual, aiming at a social perspective, with many strong media sources, appealing to a stereotypical beauty standard for thin girls and increased strength and muscularity in boys, which can lead to major patterns of dissatisfaction 17 .

This information is observable in the results, as most girls indicated the desire to have a smaller silhouette, and this data is also true among boys, as boys were those who presented higher rates of overweight and obesity. However, a large number of boys expressed the desire to have a larger silhouette.

According to Mahan, in a study on risk behavior among young people, approximately half (53%) of women and 28% of men reported consuming fewer calories or less fat in relation to the previous month, in an attempt to lose weight or avoid gaining it. Furthermore, 67% of women and 55% of men exercised in the last month with the intention of losing or gaining weight, showing that women are more concerned than men about their bodies or body image 18 .

The media also has a great influence on this aspect, influencing many young people, and therefore there should be education on the subject for adolescents, with the aim of helping them determine the accuracy and validity of the messages presented in advertisements 18 .

Adolescents, most of whom are girls, become desperate and depressed because they are unable to meet the beauty standards that the media imposes on society, even though they are in the process of developing their bodies. This fact should not be the most worrying, since we should know who we are, but we are limited to the vision of what body to have and how to look. This is where Physical Education comes in, with the aim of making students reflect on the archetype of image that the media disseminates based on their body image 19 .

Body perception and satisfaction are influenced in Physical Education classes, where several activities can cause changes in the perception of body image, with aerobic exercises and activities involving relaxation, meditation, and flexibility having a greater influence on anxiety and well-being, and weight training providing more satisfactory results in terms of physical appearance and body satisfaction 20 .

It is of fundamental importance that discussions can be held in the classroom regarding this body standard and the bodily influences and physical procedures or exercises that the media uses to promote models of body image considered perfect. Physical Education classes can be an opportunity for students to carry out practical activities that will truly bring them benefits and also to reflect on the body they want to have 19 .


This research was used to describe the perception and satisfaction with their body image of high school students from a private school in Orleans and to cite the contributions of the Physical Education Teacher to this fact. From this, it was observed that 19.1% of the students have a correct perception of their body image and 80.9% do not have a correct perception of their body image, presenting alterations in some of the research instruments. There is concern about those who obtained some degree of distortion of their body image in the BSQ questionnaire and also the students who indicated overweight or obesity.

In this context, the Physical Education Teacher has a fundamental role, raising discussions about body image, media, surgical procedures and physical activity, including students in these subjects.

As for the limitations, the silhouette scale does not have expressions or drawings inside the figure, which could facilitate the perception and desire of the silhouette marked by the students. Important reflections are expected in view of the results obtained and their limitations, so that there is more research in this area, even being able to compare future results with the current ones. It is worth remembering that studies on this topic in our region are of utmost importance, given the results of this research and the fact that there is only one study on the subject in the region.

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