Instructions to Authors
The Journal Adolescência e Saúde is published quarterly. It accepts original articles for publication in the form of review articles, updates, case reports, thesis summaries and brief communications. Articles written in English will be accepted for publication. In the electronic version of the Journal ( ), ISSN-2177-5281, all articles will be available in English.
Texts must be accompanied by a letter signed by the main author and all co-authors to be evaluated by the Editorial Board and receive approval for publication.
The works will be evaluated and judged according to their relevance, innovation, clarity of language, depth of research and their contribution to the evolution of Science; remembering that the opinions and concepts presented in the articles and the origin and accuracy of the citations are the responsibility of the authors.
We do not charge any fees at any point in the process (submission, review, until possible publication with translation). As for the number of authors, we accept articles with a maximum of six authors.
Papers must be submitted through the journal’s website:
The mission of the Adolescência e Saúde is to promote the circulation and dissemination of knowledge and experiences of professionals who work with adolescent health and want to contribute to their healthy lives.
Its objective is to strengthen the link between professionals who directly or indirectly deal with adolescents, providing and encouraging the exchange of experiences, communication and intersectoral work, which are fundamental in the search for effective solutions to adolescent problems. The electronic version is a full copy of the printed edition and provides free access to the full articles.
Articles that violate the ethical precepts established by the Scientific Research Ethics Committee, in accordance with Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council of the Ministry of Health, which regulates research involving human beings, will not be published, as well as those that violate the Human Rights of Children and Adolescents, as provided for in the Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECA).
The process of evaluating scientific merit considers compliance with these instructions, the manuscript’s potential for publication, and the potential interest of readers. The Journal uses the peer review process. After initial review by the editors, the work will be forwarded for analysis and issuance of an opinion by two reviewers, researchers with established expertise in the specific area of knowledge, selected from a registry of reviewers. The process will adopt confidentiality and anonymity for the author(s) and reviewer(s). Articles that do not present merit, that contain significant methodological errors, or that do not fit the journal’s editorial policy will be rejected directly by the Editorial Board, with no appeal.
The Adolescência e Saúde supports the policies for clinical trial registration of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), recognizing the importance of these initiatives for the international registration and dissemination of information on clinical studies, in open access. Therefore, following the guidelines of BIREME/PAHO/WHO (as per directive published on May 15, 2007) for indexing journals in LILACS and SciELO, only clinical research articles that have received an identification number in one of the Clinical Trial Registries validated by the criteria established by the WHO and ICMJE, whose addresses are available on the ICMJE website, will be accepted for publication. The identification number should be recorded at the end of the abstract.
Within this context, the Adolescência e Saúde adopts the definition of clinical trial recommended by the WHO, which can be summarized as follows: “any research that prospectively assigns human beings to one or more interventions aiming to evaluate their effects on health-related outcomes. Interventions include drugs, cells and other biological products, surgical and radiological procedures, devices, behavioral therapies, changes in care processes, preventive care, etc.”
Please note: the concepts contained in the manuscripts are the sole responsibility of the authors.
Types of articles published:
a. Original articles:
Reports of original work, intended to disseminate the results of unpublished research on topics relevant to the research area, presented with a structure consisting of Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, although other formats may be accepted. Maximum: 3,000 words, excluding bibliographic references, tables and figures. Maximum number of references: 20.
b. Review articles
Critical or systematic analyses of the literature on a selected topic, submitted spontaneously by the authors or at the request of the editors. Maximum of 5,000 words. Maximum number of references: 30.
c. Case reports
These are primarily significant reports of multidisciplinary and/or practical interest, related to the thematic field of the journal. Maximum of 1500 words. Maximum of References: 20.
d. Summary of theses
Reproduction of Summary and Abstracts of Theses and Dissertations.
e. Updates
Descriptive and interpretative works, based on the global situation of a given investigative or potentially investigative subject. Maximum of 2500 words. Maximum number of references: 20.
f. Brief communications
Brief reports of research or professional experience with methodologically appropriate evidence. Reports describing new methods or techniques will also be considered. Maximum of 1500 words. Maximum number of references: 10. Do not include more than two figures or tables.
It is mandatory to send a submission letter (digital or by post) signed by all authors. In this letter, the authors must state that the article is original, has never been published, and has not been or will not be sent to another journal while its publication is being considered by Adolescência e Saúde. In addition, the letter must state that all authors participated in the design of the project and/or analysis of the data obtained and/or the final draft of the article and that they all agree with the version submitted for publication. It must also state that no information was omitted regarding funding for the research or connections with people or companies that may be interested in the data covered by the article.
Unpublished manuscripts in English will be accepted. In each case, the current spelling rules of the chosen language must be followed. Cases of plagiarism and self-plagiarism will be considered copyright infringement. Plagiarizing authors will be suspended for 5 (five) years from publication in the Adolescência e Saúde .
COPYRIGHT TRANSFER Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication in the Adolescência e Saúde, all authors must send a letter authorizing the transfer of copyright in which they acknowledge that, from that moment on, the Journal Adolescence & Health becomes the holder of the copyright to the work. The article will only be published after receipt of this letter.
For original articles, attach a copy of the approval of the project by the Research Ethics Committee of the institution where the research was conducted. The Adolescência e Saúde adopts Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council of the Ministry of Health, which regulates research involving human beings . Only works prepared in accordance with these standards will be accepted. For case reports, it is also necessary to submit the approval of the Research Ethics Committee and, if there is a possibility of identifying the patient, send a copy of the consent of the guardian, for scientific dissemination of the clinical case. For literature reviews, there is no need for this approval.
The Adolescência e Saúde is not responsible for any loss of originals. Authors must have a copy of the original manuscript with them while the article is being considered for publication by the Journal.
The journal reserves the right to make adjustments to accepted articles in terms of style, grammar and other changes it deems necessary to comply with editorial standards.
The full content of the article must comply with the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals”, published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (available at ). Each of the following sections must begin on a new page: title page; abstract and keywords; text; acknowledgements and bibliographic references. Tables and figures must be submitted on separate pages, numbered in Arabic numerals, placed at the end of the text, and contain the title and footnotes.
Format with the following items:
- The title of the article must be concise and explanatory, representing the content of the work, avoiding abbreviations and indicating the location and city where the study was carried out, except when this is essential for understanding the conclusions.
- Article title in English.
- FULL name of each of the authors accompanied by the most important title of each author and the teaching, research or assistance institution to which they belong (with city, state and country).
- Corresponding author: define the corresponding author and provide full address (address with zip code, telephone, fax and, obligatorily, email address).
- Institution: declare the educational, research or assistance institution where the work was carried out.
- Declaration of conflict of interest: describe any connection of any of the authors with companies and corporations that may have any interest in the dissemination of the manuscript submitted for publication. If there is no conflict of interest, write “nothing to declare”.
- Project funding source: describe whether the work received financial support, the source (in full) and the process number.
- Total number of words: in the text (excluding title page, abstract, acknowledgements, references, tables, graphs and figures), in the summary and in the abstract. Also include the total number of tables, graphs and figures and the number of references.
Each should have a maximum of 250 words. Do not use abbreviations. They should be structured according to the following guidelines:
- Abstract of original article: must contain the sections: Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion .
- Review article abstract: must contain the following sections: Objective, Data source, Data synthesis and Conclusion .
- Case report summary: must contain the following sections: Objective, Case description and Comments.
For the English title and abstract, it is important to follow the grammatical rules of the English language. The journal reserves the right to make any necessary changes with the consent of the authors.
Provide, below the abstract in Portuguese and English, 3 to 6 descriptors that will assist in the appropriate inclusion of the abstract in bibliographic databases. Use exclusively descriptors from the list of “Health Sciences Descriptors” prepared by BIREME and available at . This list shows the corresponding terms in Portuguese and English.
Suggested locations for inserting tables, graphs and illustrations, according to their order of appearance, should be indicated in the text. Tables, charts and figures should have a brief title and be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, according to the order in which they are cited in the text, with a limit of 5 in total. Tables should present numerical data as central information. Explanatory notes should be placed in the footnote of the table, with the symbols in sequence. If there is an illustration extracted from another source, published or not, the original source should be mentioned below the table. Figures should have a caption, when necessary, and the source when extracted from a published work. Tables, graphs and illustrations should be printed on separate pages from those of the manuscript and accompanied by an individual title and/or caption. They should also be submitted in separate files. For tables and graphs, preferably use Word or Excel software files. For other illustrations (figures, maps, engravings, diagrams and black and white photos), files with the TIFF or JPG extension must be submitted. To “scan” the figures and/or photos, select 300 DPI resolution, in drawing or grayscale modes. Figures of non-computerized drawings must be submitted in black and white photographic print quality. Furthermore, the reproduction of color photographs will be paid for by the authors.
Briefly thank people or institutions that contributed to the study but are not authors.
They should be numbered and arranged according to the order in which they appear in the text.
Citations will be identified in the text by their respective superscript numbers. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, also known as the Vancouver style, should be used to present references.
Authors should consult Citing Medicine, The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers ( ) and “Sample References” ( ) for information on recommended formats.
a) Articles in journals:
Dupont W, Page D. Risk factors for breast cancer in women with proliferative breast disease. N Engl J Med 1985;312:146-51.
Note: When there are more than six authors, cite the first six names followed by et al.
b) Book chapters:
Swain SM, Lippman ME. Locally advanced breast cancer. In: Bland KI, Copeland EM. The Breast. Comprehensive management of benign and malignant diseases. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1991. p. 843-62.
c) Books:
Hughes LE, Mansel RE, Webster DJT. Benign disorders and diseases of the breast. Concepts and clinical management. London: Baillière-Tindall; 1989.
d) Papers presented at event:
Christensen S, Oppacher F. An analysis of Koza’s computational effort statistics for genetic programming. In: Foster JA, Lutton E, Miller J, Ryan C, Tettamanzi AG, editors. Genetic programming. EuroGP 2002: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Genetic Programming; 2002 Apr 3-5; Kinsdale, Ireland. Berlin: Springer; 2002. p. 182-91.
e) Works authored by an entity:
American Medical Association. Mammographic criteria for surgical biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions. Report of the AMA Council on Scientific Affairs. Chicago: American Medical Association; 1989; 9-20.
f) Theses and dissertations:
Borkowski MM. Infant sleep and feeding: a telephone survey of Hispanic Americans [dissertation]. Mount Pleasant (MI): Central Michigan University; 2002.
g) Journal articles in electronic format:
Glat R, Fernandes EM, Pontes ML. Education and Health in comprehensive care and promotion of quality of life for people with disabilities. Rev Linhas [Internet]. 2006 Jul-Dec [cited 2009 Mar 23];7(2):1-17. Available at:
/1334/1143 .
Before submitting your article for publication, please check the following points:
1. Does the abstract agree with the abstract?
2. Do the keywords agree with the keywords?
3. Does the title appear in English?
4. Has the letter of authorization to publish the article, signed by the author and co-authors, been sent?
5. Is the topic division correct?
6. Does the article have the maximum number of words?
7. References
a) Is the number of references correct?
b) Are all articles cited in the text present in the references?
c) Are all articles present in the references cited in the text?
d) Are the articles typed according to the journal’s standards?
8. Tables
a) Are the captions self-explanatory?
b) Do the tables present authors who are not present in the references?
9. Figures and photos
a) Are the captions self-explanatory?
b) Are all figures and photos cited in the text and vice versa?
NOTE: For more information, visit