ISSN: 1679-9941 (Print), 2177-5281 (Online)
Official website of the journal Adolescencia e Saude (Adolescence and Health Journal)


Calendar of Events: 2019

Below are listed 1 events for the applied filter.

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15th Adolescence Congress

Period: May 23 to 25, 2019
Location: Anhembi Morumbi University – Vila Olímpia Campus – Rua Casa do Ator, 275, Vila Olímpia
City: São Paulo – SP / Brazil
Information: 41 3022 1247
The 15th Brazilian Congress on Adolescence will highlight concepts, treatments and prevention of the most prevalent problems and those that have been emerging in contemporary society. The themes will be developed through conferences, round tables, panels, discussion of clinical cases, and in conversation circles.